Not sure where to start?
Like your favorite sitcom, many of our episodes stand alone. Consider starting Season 2 (Episode 50 - The Solo Episode) or with a listener favorite from Season 1 like Episode 20 – On the Lam or Episode 33 – Jilrana Thistletop’s Day Off. Then start at the beginning and see the whole thing unfold - or listen to the arc recaps and get caught up quickly!
New episodes on Tuesdays, we take the last Tuesday of the month off.
Episode 40: Towers Schoolhouse of Rock (Guest Special ft. Avalon Penrose)
The party enter the Battle of the Public Domain Bands with the help of their new friend Mack Shack. Featuring the talented Avalon Penrose. Also, “This is what happens when a parent indulges a child”.
Episode 39: Dawn of a New Chair (Revitalization Arc)
The party revel in their success and use their power to pick one dumb name. Also, “When the bad guys rise, they’ll fear two names. Jackson Fisher and his teacher Ms. Cleg”.
Episode 38: The Secret Truth of The Missing Chair (Revitalization Arc)
The party receive a powerful vision of the past and learn the truth behind the centuries-old Missing Chair. Also, “I’m an empath, so any pain you feel is actually about me”.
Episode 37: Sitting Day (Fourth of July Special)
Chester’s Chair turns one year older as the party celebrates the start of summer. Also, “Put on your sunscreen and cover your eyes, you’re not going to want to see the man I become”.
Episode 36: Do Modrons Dream of Missing Chairs? (Revitalization Arc)
The party scour the old Fisher Factory for clues to the Missing Chair and oh ho ho do they find them. Also, “Yes, that was the start of my orphaning”.
Episode 35: Into the Fisher Factory (Revitalization Arc)
The investigation leads to a famous Design Firm and what lies beneath it… Also, “I don’t care, I’ll burn all my spell slots. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again”.
Episode 34: The Search for The Missing Chair (Revitalization Arc)
The party investigates a centuries-old mystery, searching for the namesake of the town – the literal Chester’s Chair. Also, “This is a chair like device, it’s not for sitting”.
Episode 33: Jilrana Thistletop’s Day Off (Revitalization Arc)
An offhand reference to a picnic spirals way, way out of control. Also, “What do you say? You, me, a blanket, my closest friends, and a hut?”.
Episode 32: Ernestine’s Mausoleum Part 2: Honesty (Revitalization Arc)
The party mostly ignores a life-or-death Trial of Honesty administered by the world famous Ernestine Rodriguez. Also, “The truth is I need another GODDAMN DR. PEPPER”.
Episode 31: Ernestine’s Mausoleum Part 1 (Revitalization Arc)
The party investigates the mysterious Ernestine’s Mausoleum, the monument to modern art they have wondered about for months. Also, “Hands in. 1, 2, 3 outsmart him! Chester’s Chairs!”
Episode 30: Unimaginable Wealth (Revitalization Arc)
The players enjoy the lavish spoils of their electoral victory, like garlic aioli. Also, “Cleg, would someone mad with power do this?”
Episode 29: Mayoral Election Arc Recap
Catchup on Arc 2 of Small Town DnD in the first half, then relieve favorite moments with the cast in the second. Also, “We all agreed we were never gonna say that again.”
Episode 28: Election Night 2024 (Mayoral Election Arc)
The months of campaigning, fashion showing, sneaking, jailing, and egg hunting finally come to a head as Chester’s Chair elects a new Mayor. Also, “The last time people walked in on us with a dead body, we had to go through a whole thing.”
Episode 27: Seven Days, One Election, No Rules (Mayoral Election Arc)
The party works overtime campaigning for Tyl, they get… creative. Also, “I didn’t realize until this moment that I’m an addict. I’m addicted to being Castleberry’s friend.”
Episode 26: The Egg Hunt (Spring Special ft. Austin Nasso)
The party races around town searching for eggs and for the truth behind a centuries old problematic mascot. Featuring our first guest star, comedian Austin Nasso. Also, “Would it be disruptive to quickly unravel my tongue and devour the contents of the egg?”
Episode 25: The Funeral Episode (Mayoral Election Arc)
The town holds a somber funeral for a powerful figure, recently deceased. The party ruins it. Also, “Is anyone weeping at this funeral or is it general merrymaking?.”
Episode 24: Play Hard Work Hard (Mayoral Election Arc)
Cleared of all charges, the party parties then gets back to work. It’s an old fashioned hang out episode. Also, “I saunter in, the crying strengthens me.”
Episode 23: Chester and Chair: SVU (Mayoral Election Arc)
The party finally goes on trial for all of their many many crimes. Also, “I’m Eustace L. Chicken and I’m in charge”.
Episode 22: The Den of Desire (Mayoral Election Arc)
The party explores a surprisingly chill, laid-back, lowkey lair and confronts the softboi who runs it. Also, “I don’t like how womb-like this place is”.
Episode 21: On The Lam (Mayoral Election Arc)
The party desperately hide from the cops while calling in old favors, and a great, terrible, secret is finally revealed. Also, “My son is so stupid and it’s all my fault?”