Not sure where to start?
Like your favorite sitcom, many of our episodes stand alone. Consider starting Season 2 (Episode 50 - The Solo Episode) or with a listener favorite from Season 1 like Episode 20 – On the Lam or Episode 33 – Jilrana Thistletop’s Day Off. Then start at the beginning and see the whole thing unfold - or listen to the arc recaps and get caught up quickly!
New episodes on Tuesdays, we take the last Tuesday of the month off.
Episode 20: Reverse Jail Break (Mayoral Election Arc)
Sneaking around the Royal Peacekeeping Force Headquarters leads to trouble. Also, “It will cause the greatest ruckus that Chester’s Chair has ever seen.”
Episode 19: Chester’s Chair Community Singles Mixer and Charity Date Auction (Valentine’s Day Special)
The party takes a break to celebrate Valentine’s Day at the annual Singles Mixer and oh ho ho is it SPICY. Also, “I swear to god if that horse gets laid tonight”.
Episode 18: Confrontation at the Royal Peacekeeping Force HQ (Mayoral Election Arc)
The stakes rise in the wake of the Mayoral Debate as a new layer of the bankruptcy mystery reveals itself. Also, “I got a lot of dads”.
Episode 17: The Mayoral Debate and Fashion Show (Mayoral Election Arc)
The players guide Tyl through the first-ever Mayoral Debate and Fashion Show, it really really doesn’t go as planned. Also, “Scrumbis is a metaphor for the weaker parts of our society that need respite from the rich”.
Episode 16: Campaign Kickoff at Boldfellow Manor (Mayoral Election Arc)
The players kick off Tyl’s mayoral campaign after a tense confrontation with his father. Also, “Tyl can wear that armor better than you can and that’s saying absolutely nothing”.
Episode 15: Stop. Turn. Go to Chester’s Chair, It’s Good There. (Mayoral Election Arc)
The players bask in their success as we catch up with Chester’s Chair and see what has changed since the Queen’s Visit. Also, “If that horse is elected mayor, he will be the first mayor assassinated in this town’s history”.
Episode 14: Queen’s Visit Arc Recap
Catch up quickly as the cast recaps the plot and a few favorite moments from the first 13 episodes of Small Town DnD. Also, “Yeah, because regular people can’t be heroes, Alex”.
Episode 13: ‘Twas the Night Before Cuddlemuch (Holiday Special)
The party planning committee takes a break from planning parties to get extremely cuddly and cozy. Also, “Ahhhhuuuuaaaaaahhhhhh… Just like every year.”
Episode 12: The Queen’s Visit (Queen’s Visit Arc)
Queen Josephine IV of Scarlet Edge visits the small town of Chester’s Chair and the party planning committee’s hard work is tested. Also, “For you, the Scent of the Big Dog.”
Episode 11: Taste + Dignity (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The party planning committee investigate the secret of Taste + Dignity and finalize their preparations for the Queen’s Visit, with shocking results. Also, “Just a girl on the can with nothing to hide.”
Episode 10: Infiltrating the Breezetop Estates (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The stakes get raised while attempting an elaborate ruse to sneak into the Breezetop Estates. Also, “It’s alright boys. Let’s act natural and all hold hands so they don’t suspect anything.”
Episode 9: The Battle of Tenor Lake (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The party planning committee and friends fight for their lives, with shocking consequences. Also, “Kumbaya, My Lord. Kumbaya.”
Episode 8: Midnight Rescue Mission (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The all-night search for a missing friend ends with a shocking revelation. Also, “Sorry, my ears must be deceiving me. I feel like I hear two quitters here.”
Episode 7: Crystato Negotiations and a Hint of Romance (Queen’s Visit Arc)
A needlessly complicated scheme for crystato negotiations ends unexpectedly and new (maybe even romantic?) mysteries appear. Also, “Have you heard of the Breezetop Bombing?”.
Episode 6: The Poverty Episode (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The party planning committee deals with high rents, lifestyle expenses, and extreme poverty. Also, “What’s the difference between Poor and Squalid?”.
Episode 5: The 999th Annual Crystato Harvest Hootenanny (Halloween Special)
An overly complicated points system crowns the High Hooter. Also, “Four-Legged Beast from Hell (Ask Me How We Can Stop It)”.
Episode 4: The Talent Show Round 2: Sudden Death (Queen’s Visit Arc)
A battle against a chimpanzee and 4 flying snakes doesn’t go as planned. Also, “Get out of here, with your split hoof and one stomach”.
Episode 3: The Talent Show Round 1 (Queen’s Visit Arc)
A Talent Show determines who will speak to the Queen. Also, “Try not to fall in love with me”.
Episode 2: Reverse Burglary (Queen’s Visit Arc)
The Towers Schoolhouse has an unexpected problem. Also, “not the pornography.”
Episode 1: (Not) Answering the Call to Greatness
The would-be heroes don’t answer the Call to Greatness. Also, “We can’t speak to anyone”.